Quality Assurance consultation on degree classification and transparent, consistent and fair academic standards
UK Standing Committee on Quality Assurance consultation on degree classification and transparent, consistent and fair academic standards
Higher education is a complex environment, highly diverse, and with no one set way of doing things. This obviously leads to confusion and mystery. It is right for UKSCQA, QAA and UUK to seek ways to address confusion and misperceptions and do what they can to ensure people have high-quality, robust information with which to make decisions. Much of the increase in grades can be as a consequence of factors such as entry level and prior attainment, improvements in learning and teaching, and better understanding of how assessment is managed at universities. A UK sector-wide statement needs to come with some context-setting that establishes the complex, autonomous, diverse nature of UK higher education. Improvements in attainment, especially where they have previously been gaps, should be applauded and recognised as the result of hard work by teachers and students.