Parliamentary briefing: Opposition Day Debate: The Higher Education (England) Regulations 2016
This briefing has been published in response to the Opposition Day Debate: The Higher Education (England) Regulations 2016 (S.I., 2016 No. 1205 and S.I., 2016, No. 1206) taking place on Wednesday 13 September.
The House of Commons will debate the regulations that enable tuition fees to rise to £9250, to match inflation. The debate is being brought forward by the Opposition and will be voted on in the House of Commons, although the result will not have a binding or legal effect on the government. The inflationary uplift to fees of £9250 will be for students starting in this academic year (2017/18).
Overall, MillionPlus believes the UK’s higher education sector is a world leader and its strength is in its diversity. It is important that it is properly funded and that the costs of higher education are shared fairly and proportionately. The government should review the funding and student support system to ensure that it is sustainable, accessible to students of all ages however they choose to study (full or part-time) and is fit for purpose in the long-term.