MillionPlus response to Research England consultation on KEF
The proposals are largely positive, and recognise Research England’s attempts to account for the diverse nature of the English higher education landscape through a clustered approach that enables modern universities to be compared to similar institutions, rather than against the most research intensive. It is also positive that universities will be assessed against a range of different perspectives, with results presented as a radar chart summarising performance in each of those areas, rather than being just a single score. In this respect, it is fairer in the way it publishes results than is the TEF. MillionPlus believes that the proposals, if implemented correctly, could serve as a useful source for HEIs when presenting their contribution to Knowledge Exchange. However, any speculation on the extent of its use beyond the sector should be met with some caution at this point. MillionPlus has called for more room within the KEF for narrative input from institutions and argued that Research England should offer more information on how the KEF will link up with wider government/BEIS policy.