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Response 14 Jul 2016

MillionPlus response to the HESA review of DHLE data

There are concerns with how both the six-month and three-year DLHE properly identify graduate destinations. The 6-month survey particularly does not adequately capture certain employment patterns (e.g. creative industries, self-employment or business start-ups). These are ill-served by the current approach and potentially mean that particular courses and universities are misrepresented to students and employers. Any review should address those concerns.

Additionally, successful graduate employment is influenced by local employment patterns and regional economic outlooks that are entirely unrelated to the experience and achievements of students or the quality of their teaching at university. For example an area with high employment may superficially appear to suggest that particular universities are ‘better’ than those in areas of low employment. Any review of graduate outcomes needs to be able to take this into account.

Response: Consultation on principles and future requirements for the UK’s public interest data about graduates

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