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Parliamentary Briefing 16 Nov 2021

Government’s policy on Initial Teacher Training

Debate: House of Lords, Thursday 18 November 2021 

Government’s policy on Initial Teacher Training, including the recruitment of new teachers, and the role of universities and other bodies, in ensuring the supply and education of new teachers

Modern universities are a critical component in the supply of teachers across England, and many have a long history of provision in this area. In 2019-20 modern universities accounted for 61% of all initial teacher training (ITT) students in the university sector, and many universities offer both undergraduate and postgraduate routes into the profession.

Through the MillionPlus Deans of Education Network, comprising of twenty major ITT providers across England, we work with both government and the wider sector to improve both the access to and the provision of teacher education. Our members are committed to working in partnership with the Department for Education to ensure ITT courses are truly world-leading, and that the needs of trainees and pupils remain at the forefront of the minds of policy makers.

MillionPlus members support genuine and considered reform that will make an improvement to the experiences of trainees. The current policy towards ITT from the government remains slightly confused and lacking in the stability that is required. Universities are key to the continuation of the profession, from undergraduate to PGCE to innovative teaching apprenticeships. All elements of the ITT sector have a role to play in the future and none should be arbitrarily cut out of delivering high quality provision in order to satisfy a need for change for changes sake.

Government’s policy on Initial Teacher Training

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