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Response 9 Mar 2023

DfE consultation on the de-designation of the QAA for Higher Education as the Designated Quality Body in England

The Department for Education sought views on the de-designation of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education as the Designated Quality Body in England.

On the question of whether the designation of the QAA for higher education as the designated quality body for HE in England should be removed, MillionPlus answered in the negative.

MillionPlus understands that it is QAA who have taken the decision that they no longer wish to be designated, which is a legitimate reason under the Higher Education and Research Act (HERA) for their de-designation. However MillionPlus's response of ‘no’ is based on our concern over the need for a stable, autonomous and well-trusted system of quality assurance.

De-designation of QAA as the Designated Quality Body in England

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