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Case study 24 Mar 2017

Delivering expertise in enterprise and innovation: Hands-on apps

Developing apps, games, web platforms and tools for demanding private and public sector customers, the Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies (SCET) at University of the West of Scotland gives students direct experience of real commercial projects. SCET is a great example of the University’s commitment to the kind of useful, practical work that can make an immediate and tangible difference, both commercially and for the good of society.

SCET has already created computer games, mobile apps, animation and database management systems for over 250 local and national companies. SCET is actively looking for new work and invites enquiries and commissions for real-world, time-sensitive commercial projects.

The Centre is also responsible for significant developments in digital health, collaborating with NHS Scotland to help improve outcomes for patients. Apps and tools have been developed to support palliative care, diabetes monitoring, cancer care and ophthalmology. Mobile apps developed by SCET are already helping to divert unnecessary visits to A&E, and allowing patients with long-term conditions to manage their own treatment.