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In the news 26 Nov 2017

Pam Tatlow quoted in THE: REF 2021: what are the rules and how will they work?

The UK higher education funding bodies have made the final decisions on the operation of the next Research Excellence Framework process, REF2021. Pam Tatlow, Chief Executive, MillionPlus is quoted in THE reflecting on what it means for sector.

The conclusions by the funding council follow a year of consultation and confirm the arrangements for returning research staff and outputs to the exercise. The decisions published confirm that key recommendations set out in the Stern review are to be met, while incorporating significant adjustments to the implementation initially proposed by the funding bodies, as a result of extensive engagement with the higher education sector.

Pam Tatlow, Chief Executive, MillionPlus, said that this was “a step in the right direction, both in terms of increasing the value of the weighting, but also seeking to broaden the definition to recognise a wider range of impacts”. The full article can be read here.