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Press release 8 Dec 2016

MillionPlus welcomes the National Collaborative Outreach Programme

MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, has today commented on the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s National Collaborative Outreach Programme, welcoming the announcement that 29 consortia will be funded and emphasising the role that modern universities continue to play in widening access to higher education.

Pam Tatlow, Chief Executive of MillionPlus, said:

“Improving attainment and aspiration are key to encouraging more young people to engage in higher education and meeting the Prime Minister's ambition to improve social mobility. Modern universities, which have been leaders in opening up opportunities to students who are the 'first in family' to study at university, have focused on geographic areas in which young people were less likely to think that higher education was for them.

“The National Collaborative Outreach Programme builds on this tradition and we welcome the announcement that 29 consortia are being funded. In many cases modern universities, in partnership with colleges, are leading these consortia and their experience will be crucial to their success.”


Notes to editors

  1. MillionPlus is the Association for Modern Universities. More information can be found at
  2. Modern universities: key facts
  3. The National Collaborative Outreach Programme aims to increase the number of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in higher education by 2020. It invites organisations to submit proposals for funds to work collaboratively on outreach programmes in specific local areas. More information is available here
  4. For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Dan Blows on 020 7717 1658 or email