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In the news 21 Jun 2016

MillionPlus Member Vice-Chancellors sign open letter backing Remain

The Vice-Chancellors of many MillionPlus Member universities are among the nearly 100 signatories of an open letter published by the Independent and backing the campaign to remain in the European Union.

"As Vice-Chancellors of 96 universities, we are gravely concerned about the impact of a UK exit from the EU on our universities and students," the letter begins.

It continues: "The impact of our universities on our local communities and economy should not be underestimated.  Every year, universities generate over £73 billion for the UK economy – £3.7bn of which is generated by students from EU countries, while supporting nearly 380,000 jobs. Strong universities benefit the British people - creating employable graduates and cutting-edge research discoveries that improve lives."

Read the full letter here.