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Press release 30 Jun 2023

MillionPlus comment on the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan

MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, has today (29 June) commented on the publication of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan

Rachel Hewitt, Chief Executive of MillionPlus, said:

“The long-awaited NHS workforce plan will bring some welcome clarity to those operating in the health sector at a time when the health service’s provision has scarcely been more in demand. Modern universities are a key piece of the puzzle in delivering the skills, training and experience required to ensure that the NHS remains staffed with the doctors, nurses and others who are instrumental in providing the care that the country needs. Modern universities are key hubs of research and teaching innovation that, through working with their local NHS Trusts across the UK, are modernising the delivery of patient care. It is through these long-established partnerships that they stand ready to help make sure that the long-term health of the NHS remains strong.

“In a report earlier this year MillionPlus called for an increase in nurse numbers along the lines of those outlined in the plan, which is hugely welcome news. The Government’s ambitions in this area will require a corresponding effort to increase on-site training placement capacity if they are to be realised. Investing in technology that can help alleviate some of the placement logjam is also a most sensible commitment.

“We welcome as well a fresh emphasis on retention – as part of its package of measures, the Government should consider student loan fee-forgiveness for those who stay in the NHS for five years or more after they complete their training.”


Notes to editors

  1. For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Dan Blows on 020 3927 2916 or email
  2. MillionPlus’s Who trains the nurses? Universities and the placements shortfall report is available online here
  3. MillionPlus is the Association for Modern Universities in the UK, and the voice of 21st century higher education. We champion, promote and raise awareness of the essential role and impact of modern universities in the UK’s world-leading higher education sector. More information can be found at
  4. What are modern universities? Modern universities are long established centres of higher education in their communities with roots that stretch back decades, if not centuries. Many gained university title following legislation agreed by parliament in 1992. They make up almost half of the UK university sector with over a million students studying at modern universities every year.
  5. Modern universities: facts and stats 2022