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Press release 11 Jun 2018

MillionPlus comment on the Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s Treating Students Fairly report

MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, has today (11 June) commented on the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee report Treating Students Fairly: The Economics of Post School Education.

Dr Greg Walker, Chief Executive of MillionPlus, said:

“The Lords Economic Affairs Committee has produced an authoritative report underpinned by robust evidence. The Committee is right to call for the widening of maintenance support - specifically the restoration of student maintenance grants. MillionPlus agrees that steps should be taken to address the lack of affordable options for part-time higher education for mature learners wishing to reskill or enter university for the first time. It is also encouraging to see that many of the matters raised by MillionPlus and others in respect of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework have been recognised by the Committee. The government should take account of the recommendations when considering the outcomes of the post-18 review of education and funding.

“The expansion of higher education in recent years is a positive for the UK’s economic prospects and social cohesion. The committee is right to emphasise the need for quality provision in all areas but does not give sufficient emphasis to how student demand and the graduate contribution system itself has led to the expansion of overall numbers at some universities.”


Notes to editors

  1. MillionPlus is the Association for Modern Universities. More information can be found at
  2. Modern universities: key facts 2018
  3. The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s report Treating Students Fairly: The Economics of Post-School Education is available here
  4. For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Dan Blows on 020 7717 1658 or email