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Press release 18 Jun 2018

MillionPlus comment on accounts direction issued by the Office for Students

MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, has today (19 June) commented on the accounts direction issued by the Office for Students (OfS), which stipulate that vice-chancellor salaries must be justified.

Dr Greg Walker, Chief Executive of MillionPlus, said:

“The new guidance on senior pay issued by the Committee of University Chairs should address concerns on the issue of senior post-holder pay. The OfS’s principles of senior pay in their accounts direction reinforces that direction of travel.

“Viewed holistically, UK higher education certainly provides value for money for students and society. Universities are rightly taking steps to make it clearer that fees do not pay simply for the direct costs of students’ tuition, but resource all the essential services required for a successful student experience. Following the Post 18 Education Review the government needs to reframe the fees system as a ‘graduate contribution’ system: students pay back only what they can afford on favourable terms.

“It is right that the student interest is at the forefront of our minds, both as providers and the regulator of HE. The OfS’s mission to support students is welcome, but students will best thrive in a successful and financially sustainable HE sector. The interests of students and the success of universities should not be seen as opposed – indeed, they are closely aligned.”


Notes to editors

  1. MillionPlus is the Association for Modern Universities. More information can be found at
  2. Modern universities: key facts 2018
  3. The OfS accounts direction is released on 19 June and will be available here
  4. For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Dan Blows on 020 7717 1658 or email