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In the news 23 Feb 2017

London university offers free course for refugees and asylum seekers – Independent

Refugees and asylum seekers in the UK are being invited to study at a London university free of charge as part of a radical new scheme.

The University of East London is to launch a new short course known as the Open Learning Initiative (OLIve) that will give refugees and asylum seekers the educational grounding to progress to a foundation course and ultimately a full bachelor degree.

The first OLIve course will be a short programme with a 40-person capacity, to be taught on Saturdays from April this year. In September, UEL will provide the next stage in the educational pathway with the launch of a ten-month programme.

The OLIve course is funded by a 440,000 Euro grant from the EU’s Erasmus+ programme, and comes as part of a joint initiative between UEL, the University of Vienna, the Central European University (CEU) in Hungary and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).

The full article is here