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In the news 22 Feb 2017

High five for Sunderland’s School of Nursing

The University of Sunderland was shortlisted for five Student Nursing Times Awards 2017.

The categories which they have been shortlisted in are:

  • Nurse Education Provider of the Year
  • Student Experience
  • Teaching Innovation of the Year - The Living Lab
  • Partnership of the Year - The University’s Patient, Carer and Public Involvement partnership (PCPI) led by Dr Lesley Scott
  • Educator of the Year - Dr Catherine Hayes

This award seeks to recognise universities and providers of nurse education that are putting an emphasis on the overall student experience and also recognises the important collaboration between higher educational institutions and organisations providing healthcare to the public with a view to providing a conducive learning environment.

Winners will be announced on 27 April in London at a ceremony paying tribute to the students who have demonstrated the academic achievement, clinical prowess and personal qualities that will make them brilliant nurses as well as recognising and rewarding outstanding educational establishments and honouring those who are committed to developing new nursing talent.