Westminster Higher Education Forum: Priorities for part-time and mature students: outreach, retentio
Pam Tatlow, Chief Executive, MillionPlus will deliver a keynote spech on the Higher Education Green Paper at the Westminster Higher Education Forum: Priorities for Part-Time and Mature Students: Outreach, Retention and Tackling Barriers in central London on 6 July.
Following calls in the Green Paper for the higher education sector to be opened to new providers, this seminar will examine key issues affecting part-time and mature students, and the institutions where they study. It takes place in the context of concerns about the falling numbers of part-time students entering undergraduate degrees.
Delegates will discuss the likely impact of policy initiatives such as the Access to Higher Education qualifications - the route into HE for adults without A-level or equivalent qualifications - as well the removal from 2017-18 of restrictions on accessing student finance for STEM second degrees, and the proposed extension of maintenance loans to part-time students from 2018-19.
Further sessions will bring out latest thinking and best practice for improving student experience and retention rates - including suitable arrangements for facilities such as libraries, catering and childcare - as well as support services, tutoring, course flexibility and the quality of teaching.
More information can be found here.