Parliamentary event 10 Feb 2012

Teaching That Matters Launch

A million+ Research Project and Report with the University of Wolverhampton

Launch Event at the University of Greenwich, with The Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science, Friday 10 February 2012, 9.45am – 11.15am.


In May 2011, million+ published Research that Matters, a report that was launched at Parliamentary reception at which the Universities and Science Minister, the Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP was the principle guest speaker. At this launch, David Willetts invited million+ to publish a further report reviewing the role of teaching in universities. Teaching that Matters is intended to respond to this invitation and to investigate what really drives teaching excellence in our universities.

million+ is delighted that the Universities and Science Minister, the Rt. Hon. David Willetts MP, has agreed to not only launch the report but to experience, alongside university students, an example of the innovative teaching on offer at modern universities. The event has also been arranged to provide a platform for the Minister to make a keynote speech on the Government’s aspirations for teaching excellence to an audience of students and university staff following the consultations on the HE White Paper and ahead of the publication of the HE Bill.

The launch will take place at the University of Greenwich (Greenwich campus) on Friday 10 February from approx. 10.30am (refreshments from 9.45am) until 11.55am.

The Greenwich campus (one of three) is sited in Sir Christopher Wren’s baroque masterpiece, the Old Royal Naval College, at the heart of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site. The university occupies a long-time seat of learning, science and discovery, with the Royal Observatory just up the hill in Royal Greenwich Park.

Greenwich’s teaching highlights include:

  • The University of Greenwich is top in London for teaching excellence (Sunday Times/NSS 2011)
  • Economics at Greenwich is top in the UK for teaching excellence (NSS 2011) law, politics and some courses in the creative arts and engineering are all judged to be in the top two nationally. Nine other subjects, ranging from business to biology, have won places in the top ten.
  • A maths lecturer, Tony Mann, won the Times Higher Education Most Innovative Teacher Award in 2010.

The University continues to innovate in teaching, introducing the Greenwich Graduate Initiative, helping students to develop the qualities and essential skills that employers value, such as communication, critical thinking, team work and problem-solving.