Parliamentary Reception: Breaking with Tradition – Universities@21
Wednesday 6 March 2013
4.15pm – 6.00pm
Terrace Pavilion, Palace of Westminster
Hosted by Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Minister for London
Other speakers include Lord Alan Howarth, Gemma Tumelty (former NUS President), Lord Tim Boswell and Vice-Chancellors past and present
million+ held a reception, kindly hosted by the Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP, to launch Breaking with Tradition - Universities@21, a pamphlet published on the 21st Anniversary of the Act which extended university title to higher education institutions throughout the UK. Including a contribution from the Minister for Universities and Science, the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Breaking with Tradition contains fascinating and humorous insights from colleagues past and present on the politics and outcomes of the legislation.
In addition to Sadiq (a graduate of a modern university) and David Willetts, contributors included Lords Tim Boswell and Alan Howarth - Ministers in the Conservative Government of 1992, former Vice-Chancellors Peter Knight and Christine King, current Vice-Chancellors Peter Fidler, Malcolm McVicar and Eric Thomas (President of Universities UK) and Gemma Tumelty (the first NUS President to graduate from a modern university).
During the reception our speakers also outlined their thinking on the future role of universities in advance of the Government’s spending review which will take place from April 2013 and will affect higher education funding from 2015.
The event was attended by students, university staff, MPs and Peers who all helped cut the 21st Anniversary cake!
Read the pamphlet here.