Parliamentary event 14 May 2019

MillionPlus launches #ThinkModern campaign in Speaker’s House, Westminster

MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, is launching its #ThinkModern campaign with an event at the Palace of Westminster. The campaign highlights the wide-ranging and growing contribution to the UK made by modern universities and their students and graduates. Today’s event will be held in the State Rooms at Speaker’s House, kindly hosted by the Speaker, The Rt Hon John Bercow MP, giving parliamentarians the chance to meet with modern university students and staff.

Modern universities represent more than half of the UK’s higher education sector, educating over a million students a year, delivering world-class teaching and research, transforming lives through opening up access to university and to graduate careers, and by delivering a highly skilled workforce for employers of many kinds.

These universities are critical in meeting the challenges posed in a rapidly changing world. They have a huge impact across the UK, doing much of the hard work in developing key skills for the future employment market.

#ThinkModern launch