Speaking engagement 29 Jan 2019

Dr Greg Walker to speak at Inside Government forum on the future of HE regulation

Dr Greg Walker, MillionPlus Chief Executive, is a keynote speaker at Inside Government's The Future of Higher Education Regulation forum in London on 29 january 2019.

The Forum will provide attendees with an update on the QAA’s newly revised code of expectations, practices, and advice and guidance for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). With the full Quality Code published in 2018, along with the accompanying Advice and Guidance, senior officials from Higher Education (HE) regulatory agencies will guide discussions on the broad policy themes, issues and challenges relating to the advancement of quality and standards across HEIs.

Other speakers include:

  • Maureen Mclaughlin, Head of Universities and Standards, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA); and
  • Gordon McKenzie, CEO, Guild HE

More information is available here.