Policy Briefing

Fulifilling our Potential - the HE Green Paper

16 Dec 2015

A focus on quality, continuous improvement and the incentivisation of excellent teaching is at the centre of every university’s ambitions for its students. The HE Green Paper, coming on the back of proposals to change the arrangements for quality assessment of higher education, is shining a light on this ambition of every university and enabling them to demonstrate the transformative power of diverse, high quality, excellent higher education. We welcome the recent focus this debate has enabled on the strengths and benefits of UK universities. However, the government must proceed with caution and work with the sector to ensure that changes are in the interests of students, institutions, employers and the UK as a whole.

Our formal response to the Higher Education Green Paper Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice which was issued by the UK Government’s Business, Innovation and Skills Department in November 2015 will be submitted and published in January 2016.



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